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Conference Co-Chairs

Bran Selić
Malina Software Corp.

Brief Bio
Bran Selic is President of Malina Software Corp., a Canadian company that provides consulting services to corporate clients and government institutions worldwide. He is also Director of Advanced Technology at Zeligsoft Limited in Canada, and a Visiting Scientist at Simula Research Laboratories in Norway. In 2007, Bran retired from IBM Canada, where he was an IBM Distinguished Engineer responsible for setting the strategic direction for software development tools. Currently, he is also an adjunct professor at Monash University and the University of Sydney in Australia. With over 40 years of practical experience in designing and implementing large-scale industrial software systems, Bran has pioneered the application of model-based engineering methods and has led the definition of several international standards in that domain, including the widely used Unified Modeling Language (UML). In 2016, he was presented with a lifetime Career Award by the steering committee of the IEEE/ACM MoDELS conference in recognition of his contributions to model-driven technologies and practice. ... More >>

Philippe Desfray
Independent Researcher

Brief Bio
Philippe Desfray is involved since 17 years in model driven development research, standardization, and tooling. Co-founder of the SOFTEAM company (650 people in 2013), he has been precursor to OO Modeling (inventor of the Class Relation OO model, 1990, supported already at that time by a case tool), to MDA (1994, Addison Welsey book on the matter, dedicated tool), one of the main contributor in the UML standardization team at the OMG since the origin, and contributing to many modeling language standardization eforts (BPMN, SOA,..). Philippe serves as VP for R&D at SOFTEAM, is one key expert in the modeling and me thodology fields, is driving international R&D projects and leading the Modelio UML/MDA case tool development team (; ... More >>
