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Keynote Lectures

Modeling for Robotic Co-Working
Uwe Assmann, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Domain-Specific Modelling Languages: Challenges and Opportunities
Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

The Use of Model-driven Engineering for Crisis Management
Frédérick Benaben, IMT Mines Albi, France


Modeling for Robotic Co-Working

Uwe Assmann
Technische Universität Dresden

Brief Bio
Uwe Aßmann holds the Chair of Software Engineering at the Technische Universität Dresden. He has obtained a PhD in compiler optimization and a habilitation on "invasive software composition" (ISC), a composition technology for code fragments enabling flexible software reuse. ISC unifies generic, connector-, view-, and aspect-based programming for arbitrary program or modeling languages. Since 2013, Aßmann is deputy of the DFG Research Training Group "Role-oriented Software Infrastructures" (RoSI), which develops new techniques for context-adaptive software, from language and application design to run time ( Current projects for context- adaptive, role-based software include an architectural language for roles (SMAGS, a Scala library for roles, roles for modeling emergence in SoS, and pseudonym roles for security.

Robotic co-working is a new trend for integrating sensitive robots into assembly lines and manufactures. Sensitive robots recognize human beings in their neighborhood and stop when being touched. They can easily be taught new actions and quickly be re-targeted to new complex manufacturing tasks.
Therefore, they could enable human-robot collaboration in small and medium enterprises.
However, how to develop safe software for these new robotic colleagues?
This talk presents a new architectural pattern called World-Oriented Modeling (WOM), which splits a human-robotic co-working application into a world model and a software variant family.
WOM extracts the ubiquituous checks on contexts of the robot from the applications to the world model, thereby supporting the separation of concerns.
WOM extends dynamic software product lines to robotic co-working, but replaces the usual feature model by a runtime state-based model.
If the world model is a formal model, safety predicates can easily be verified for robotic co-working applications, as it is the case for hybrid automata.
Since the world model needs to be managed at runtime, WOM is an Models@Runtime approach, i.e., leads to a specific adaptive systems design.
However, WOM opens a huge design space for many more modeling techniques and formal methods, which should be explored in the next years. Have fun!



Domain-Specific Modelling Languages: Challenges and Opportunities

Juan de Lara
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Brief Bio
Juan de Lara is full professor at the computer science department of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid (Spain), where he leads the modelling and software engineering research (miso) team together with Esther Guerra. His main research interests are in automated software engineering, model-driven development, low-code development, domain-specific languages and language engineering, conversational agents, and augmented reality. This research has led to building many practical tools including Asymob, AToM3, metaDepth, merlin, and alter – and the publication of more than 270 papers in international journals and conferences. He has been the PC co-chair of several conferences within his research areas, like MODELS, SLE, ICGT, ICMT and FASE, and has been involved in the organisation of workshops on topics like flexible modelling, multi-level modelling and low-code development.

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is based on the active use of models to automate different aspects of software development. In MDE, models are frequently constructed using Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DSMLs), especially tailored to a domain. Therefore, a recurring activity in MDE is the development of DSMLs and their modelling environments. There are differenct challenges arising in the construction of DSMLs, like the promotion of an active involvement of domain experts, proper means to test the DSML, and the availability of a requirements represenation notation. Moreover, challenges also arise when using a DSML, regarding their scalability, flexibility of use, and rigidity of the deployment platform. In this talk, I will describe these challenges, and propose several strategies to overcome them. In particular, I will explain different approaches for DSML construction (top-down and bottom-up), and describe the opportunities derived from the use of DSMLs in mobility and using context.



The Use of Model-driven Engineering for Crisis Management

Frédérick Benaben
IMT Mines Albi

Brief Bio
45 years old, married, Three Children. Professor at Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux (Toulouse University - Mines Telecom Institute), France. M. Engineering (1998), M. Sc. (1998), PhD in Computer Sciences (2001), Qualification as Assistant-Professor (2003), Habilitation as Research Director (2012), Qualification as Professor (2013). Head of the IO research team (Interoperability of Organizations – 20 persons), lecturer and researcher in the fields of Collaborative Networks and Information System Interoperability. Research activities concern: - Covering abstraction layers of knowledge management: data (gathering from data sources), information (interpretation for automated or assisted modeling) and knowledge (exploitation for the management of the collaborative situations). - Covering the life cycle of collaborations: define (design the model of the collaborative behavior), realize (orchestrate the collective workflows) and maintain (detect any unexpected situation and adapt the collaborative behavior accordingly). The used approaches directly inherit from model-driven engineering. A generic model of collaborative situations (of all kinds) and exploitation mechanisms (model transformation) have been defined and are the roots of a lot of inheriting domain generic models and exploitation mechanisms. The main application domains of these research works are: preparation and response phases of crisis management, agility of the supply-chain for industry 4.0, interoperability of information systems, inter-modality in transportation for smart-city, and health care systems. The IO-suite of open source software has been implemented to support and illustrate the obtained research results: IO-DA (Design Assistant), IO-WA (Workflow Assistant), IO-TA (Tracking Assistant) and IO-GA (Governance Assistant). The used concepts and tools are model-driven engineering, data science, business process management, web-services and cloud architecture. During the last 10 years, he published 12 articles in International Journals (Web Of Science indexed) and more than 100 conference articles. He has supervised or directed 17 PhD, 10 M. Sc. and 9 post-doctoral positions. He has been involved in 12 collaborative (European/French) funded projects (3 as coordinator), and he has been invited for 9 keynote speeches.

Among collaborative situations, the ones dedicated to the management of security and crisis scenarios (terrorist attacks, industrial or natural disasters) are the most critical ones (the actual stakes are human lives), the most demanding in terms of agility (they are really unstable environments) and interoperability (responders are culturally and technologically very heterogeneous). This talk presents results on the domain of Information Systems and Information Technologies for Crisis Management. The presented research works aims at defining a design approach of Mediation Information System dedicated to support the collaboration of stakeholders and decision makers in crisis management context. This approach is based on both Business Process Management and Model-Driven Engineering. There are two main dimensions to this approach:
The first one is dedicated to collect, interpret and exploit data incoming from heterogeneous data sources (through the use of situation models). The second one is dedicated to deal with the life cycle of the collaborative situation (through the management of collaborative business process models). There is also a technology perspective that will be presented (based on service-oriented and event-driven architectures).
Finally, this talk will mainly be about hamburgers, music, blood, babies, sharks and barrel organ…
