MODELSWARD 2026 will be held in conjunction with ICAART 2026, ICORES 2026, PHOTOPTICS 2026 and VISIGRAPP 2026.
Registration to MODELSWARD allows free access to the ICAART, ICORES, PHOTOPTICS and VISIGRAPP conferences (as a non-speaker).
Upcoming Submission Deadlines
Regular Paper Submission:
October 8, 2025
Position/Regular Paper Submission:
November 27, 2025
(See Important Dates for more information)
The International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering provides a platform for participants from all over the world to present research results and application experience in using model-based techniques for developing all sorts of systems. Model-based software engineering has emerged over many years as an approach for developing IT systems in which models take a central role, not only for the analysis of these systems but also for their construction. More recently, a similar approach has become increasingly widely used not only for software systems, but also for physical, cyber-physical and business systems. This model-based software and systems engineering approach relies on an increasingly rich ecosystem of techniques, languages and tools. MODELSWARD is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners alike to come together and discuss, moving this ecosystem forward.
Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by: