08:40 - 10:30 - Room MR.06 Parallel Session 2 - Transformations
  • 45: Synthesizing Decentralized Components from a Variant of Live Sequence Charts Dirk Fahland and Amir Kantor
  • 2: Optimising Model-transformations using Design Patterns Kevin Lano and Shekoufeh Kolahdouz-Rahimi
  • 16: Translating Platform-independent Code into Natural Language Texts Håkan Burden and Rogardt Heldal
  • 21: TStore: A Trace-Base Management System - Using Finite-state Transducer Approach for Trace Transformation Raafat Zarka, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Amélie Cordier, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Luc Lamontagne and Alain Mille
  • 62: A PIM-to-Code Requirements Engineering Framework Gayane Sedrakyan and Monique Snoeck
10:30 Coffee-Break (10:30 - 10:45)
10:45 - 11:45 - Room MR.10 Keynote Lecture The Gap between Specification and Synthesis Stephen Mellor, Freeter, United Kingdom
11:45 - 13:35 - Room MR.06 Parallel Session 3 - DSL's
  • 51: Higher-order Rewriting of Model-to-Text Templates for Integrating Domain-specific Modeling Languages Bernhard Hoisl, Stefan Sobernig and Mark Strembeck
  • 8: UML-based Design and Verification Method for Developing Dependable Context-aware Systems Naoyasu Ubayashi and Yasutaka Kamei
  • 26: Visualizing OCL Constraint Patterns with VOCL Ali Hamie
  • 48: Engineering Model Recommender Foundations - From Class Completion to Model Recommendations Andreas Ganser and Horst Lichter
  • 54: Composition of Domain Specific Modeling Languages - An Exploratory Study Edmilson Campos, Marília Freire, Uirá Kulesza, Adorilson Bezerra and Eduardo Aranha
11:45 - 13:35 - Room MR.02 Parallel Session - Special Session on Model-driven Software Adaptation - MODA
  • 9: Automated Throughput Optimization of Cloud Services via Model-driven Adaptation Javier Troya, Javier Cubo, José Antonio Martín, Ernesto Pimentel and Antonio Vallecillo
  • 8: Model-based Adaptation of Cloud Computing Applications Christian Inzinger, Benjamin Satzger, Philipp Leitner, Waldemar Hummer and Schahram Dustdar
  • 3: Development of Adaptive Multi-cloud Applications - A Model-Driven Approach Javier Miranda, Joaquín Guillén, Juan Manuel Murillo and Carlos Canal
13:35 Lunch (13:35 - 14:35)
14:35 - 16:25 - Room MR.06 Parallel Session 4 - Development Methods and Processes
  • 23: Challenges of Model-driven Modernization - An Agile Perspective Stavros Stavru, Iva Krasteva and Sylvia Ilieva
  • 4: A Code Merger to Support Reverse Engineering Towards Model-driven Software Development Oliver Haase, Nikolaus Moll and Paul Zerr
  • 40: UML Class Diagram Simplification - A Survey for Improving Reverse Engineered Class Diagram Comprehension Hafeez Osman, Arjan van Zadelhoff and Michel R. V. Chaudron
  • 53: A MDE Framework for Semi-automatic Development of Web Applications Javier Solis, Hasdai Pacheco, Karen Najera and Hugo Estrada
  • 63: Why Do We Not Learn from Defects? - Towards Defect-Driven Software Process Improvement Niklas Mellegård, Miroslaw Staron and Fredrik Törner
14:35 - 16:25 - Room MR.02 Parallel Session - Special Session on Model-driven Software Adaptation - MODA
  • 4: Model Driven Engineering of Cross-Layer Monitoring and Adaptation Hui Song, Amit Raj, Saeed Hajebi, Siobhán Clarke and Aidan Clarke
  • 7: High Level Design of Adaptive Real-time Embedded Systems - A Survey Mouna Ben Said, Yessine Hadj Kacem, Nader Ben Amor and Mohamed Abid
16:25 Coffee-Break (16:25 - 16:40)
16:25 - 17:25 - Foyer Posters Session 1
  • 1: A Model-driven Process for Data Transformation of Heterogeneous Data Haïfa Nakouri and Nadia Essoussi
  • 13: Model-driven Development of Interactive Web User Interfaces with HTML5 Michael Huber and Philipp Brune
  • 14: MDE for Enterprise Application Systems Alfonso Diez, Nga Nguyen, Fernando Díez and Enrique Chavarriaga
  • 18: Application of Model Comparison Techniques to Model Transformation Testing Matthew Stephan and James R. Cordy
  • 20: Arrangements of Finite-state Machines - Semantics, Simulation, and Model Checking Vladimir Estivill-Castro and Rene Hexel
  • 28: A Systematic Comparison of Semantic Integration Data Storage Architectures for Multidisciplinary Systems Estefanía Serral, Olga Kovalenko, Thomas Moser and Stefan Biffl
  • 37: A General Framework for the Development of MDD Projects Beatriz Marín, Javier Pereira, Giovanni Giachetti, Felipe Hermosilla and Estefanía Serral
  • 38: Combining SysML and Modelica to Verify the Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Consumption Ahmed Hammad, Hassan Mountassir and Samir Chouali
  • 46: Modular and Distributed Verification of SysML Activity Diagrams Messaoud Rahim, Hammad Ahmed and Ioualalen Malika
  • 59: Improving Modeling with Layered UML Diagrams Harald Störrle
  • 64: Model-based System Engineering for Fault Tree Generation and Analysis Nataliya Yakymets, Hadi Jaber and Agnes Lanusse
  • 68: A Model-based Software Technology Proposal Vahur Kotkas, Jaan Penjam, Ahto Kalja and Enn Tyugu
19:00 Social Event (19:00 - 23:30)